Saturday, September 27, 2014

transversing negative space of parallels

"fiction is truth half told to shape a perception of what is not there in one reality, yet exists in another.  a parallel universe of sorts.  though parallels never come to the same point, either."   

anna m.


a story begins.   in one such parallel.   in one such perception. 


through emptiness of a soul lost, came search for new meaning in an unexplainable trilogy of existence which has elements of the known, the believed and the desired

realizations of tangibles in life are the known, to which there are no questions of what they are or are not. 

there are questions on meaning here, but meaning is separate from tangible. 

meaning bridges the known to the believed, in a dystopic journey of frustration from fact to faith.  

however, the believed comes from the desire to understand infinite reality beyond the known, often based on its elements. 

this is faith. 

death may be a door to another parallel, but this other parallel is not a known; it is a combination of the believed and the desired

there is only belief, and belief in existence or nonexistence of another parallel does require faith, either way. 

the theists and non-theists may argue, but there is no such thing as not having belief, you either believe something is or is not, unless the known can prove it through a tangible.

theoretical writings of theology and thealogy do little to help, as they are either myth or perceived fact, dependent upon one's concepts learned or discovered of the parallel of an unknown that can only be believed. 

it may or may not exist. 

however, it's the desired which may be the most wicked of all, as it drives madness into the artists, philosophers and dreamers. 

though seemingly unattainable, yet not always, the desired could be a fictional or parallel reality. 

this parallel, when beyond fiction, is often found hidden deep within one's self, suppressed from the pressure and non-acceptance from societal norms. 

but, the desired can often be no more explained nor rationalized than the believed within the minds of the mad. 

yet it was through a drawing class when a quest to capture the desired was piqued once more. 

it came from defining negative space, drawing an object's image from what it is not, which is a constant theme in approaches to poetry, writing and life, which all attempt to explain the known

a philosophical approach in discovery and description comes through finding what something, or someone, is by bringing forth what it is not.  

symbiosis between drawing and writing occurs in sketching objects without looking at the graphite or paper, only looking at the object, in order to actually see what exists while connecting the brain with the hand. 

combined with negative space, writing is enhanced by seeing what something is and then describing what it is not by removing a writer from the alterations and perceptions created from limits of human remembrance. 

it was from this that a love for poetry and written word was reborn through understanding and defining objects with negative space.

and so now, with this, it is the time to find anna


she's here. 

within the white of the page. 

a parallel, of sorts. 


the story begins...


white may be an absence of all color...

...but white is a canvas for a soul to draw out what is within its grasp...

by darkening what is not. 


she calls...


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