Monday, May 06, 2013

A New Time...

Too many days have past since last writing on Crossroads. This has to change. In the last year there have been many things to take my mind and soul away from writing, and it is killing my being. I am not this person without soul or words. The picture below has more significance than any know. 

This photo was taken on St. George Island the night before Tropical Storm Debby made landfall on us. Despite the warnings, I stood in the surf breathing in the salt air, a gin and tonic warming my soul, as I took a series of these photos. Little did I realize the changes to come in the short days ahead. But, it sometimes takes a storm to get to a better place...ask me some time, and I'll tell you the full story. 

Until then, my Crossroads at Sunrise continues. Not just with poetry and photography, but also with stories of those places and people that have some tale needing to be told. The stories are most important. The photos and poems only paint a moment in time. Stories define these moments. 

May we all find and understand peace and serenity at some point in our time...and may we all have our stories told before they are forgotten.


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