Thursday, September 20, 2007

sunday morning

sunday morning i chased a balloon
like a carefree child…

it was free,
we were free
following the wind and the sun,
just like a soul should be…

yet, as it landed,
holding my son’s hand,
we watched in awe
of something simple,
and beautiful…

it is meant
to be like that balloon…


sometimes we forget this…


I asked Solomon, "How did I lose my simplicity and creativity?"
And he responded, "You have not lost it, only ignored it, like life. Stop ignoring it."
"How?" I asked.
Solomon responded, "Like the balloon, chase the wind. Remember the innocence and wonderment of your son as you both looked at the balloon. Become like a child and chase that which is simple and beautiful. Then, my dear friend, you'll have life, simplicity and creativity."
And so now, I start that chase. It's the crossroad once again. I like the crossroad. There are diferent paths to choose, all with excitement and life.
It's nice to smell the trees once again.

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