Thursday, May 08, 2008


when you dig my grave
would you make it shallow
so I can feel the rain…

Now you should never have to watch
your only own children lowered in the ground,
I mean
you should never have to bury your own babies.

Willie Nelson

there is an absence
from atrocities
we have instilled
our own madness…

it is our systemization…

we dig our own graves
through iniquities
of humanness
while our babies look through
frosted glass windows
of some institution
in hopes of freedom
from the madness
we have imparted
upon their souls
through our very own


‘cause we could not see the light
nor the brilliance
from the heavens…

is there not one soul
that can see
this madness of sins
we have bestowed
upon the next generation?

retribution and blame
are the only
answers for damnation…

my God
we want that damnation
to the point
we taste the sweetness
of its blood and desire…

there is no such thing
as compassion,
or forgiveness
when it comes to

pray for our lost souls…

they are the next generation…

and when I am buried
may there be a heaven
where I can celebrate the freedom
from all this madness…

but now
the rains fall gently
upon my skin
within summer’s night
and yet
there is no comfort
to pass along
when our children
feel the vast nothingness of sadness
from our generation
failing to see
this pain and emptiness…


the soul knows nothing further
and so we cry into the winds
passing by the windows
while watching the moon
at the midnight hour…

the silence deafens all…